Thalassemia Reel

Thalassemia Reel

Dr Sabnam Parvin speaks on Fibroid and it's effect on fertility

Dr Sabnam Parvin speaks on Fibroid and it's effect on fertility

Dr. Kousik Seth speaks on Both Fallopian tubes are blocked, Do you require IVF ?

Dr. Kousik Seth speaks on Both Fallopian tubes are blocked, Do you require IVF ?

DOWN SYNDROME | Genome The Fertility Centre

DOWN SYNDROME | Genome The Fertility Centre

Dr Sujoy Dasgupta speaks on Preparations required before IVF

Dr Sujoy Dasgupta speaks on Preparations required before IVF

ইউরিন প্রেগন্যান্সি টেস্টে | Genome The Fertility Centre

ইউরিন প্রেগন্যান্সি টেস্টে | Genome The Fertility Centre

One Stop Fertility Care Solution

One Stop Fertility Care Solution

দ্বিতীয় সন্তান আসতে অসুবিধে হচ্ছে? | Genome Expert Talk

দ্বিতীয় সন্তান আসতে অসুবিধে হচ্ছে? | Genome Expert Talk

Male infertility | Genome Expert Talk

Male infertility | Genome Expert Talk

Genome Expert Talk with Dr. Sabnam Parvin | Fertility Treatment

Genome Expert Talk with Dr. Sabnam Parvin | Fertility Treatment

Genome Testimonials

Genome Testimonials

17th Anniversery Of Genome

17th Anniversery Of Genome