Robo Fertility Summit 2024

27th July 2024

Infertility numbers are rising because of lifestyle changes, stress, Covid and strenuous work-from-home schedules, said gynaecologists during Robo Fertility Summit 2024 jointly organised by Neotia Bhagirathi Woman and Child Care Centre, Narayana Health and Genome The Fertility Centre on Saturday, July 27 at The Park, Kolkata. The summit began with the inaugural lamp being lit by chief guest Dr Rupa Sharan Ganguly, senior consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist, laparoscopic surgery Neotia Bhagirathi Woman and Child Care Centre along with Varun Singh, head, Marketing – Narayana Health; Dr Sujoy Dasgupta, director, Clinical Services at Genome – The Fertility Centre; Dr Subhash Mukherjee, senior gynaecologist and obstetrician; Ruma Banerjee, Senior VP, Ambuja Neotia Healthcare Venture Limited and Dr Rajani Bagai, senior obstetrician and gynaecologist, Narayana Health. The welcome address was delivered by Saumitra Ghosh, AGM - Operations, Genome The Fertility Centre, A Unit of Ambuja Neotia Healthcare Venture Limited.

Dealing with Low AMH

Anti-müllerian hormone (AMH), which indicates the number of eggs a woman has in her ovary, is associated with natural fertility. Dr Dasgupta elaborated on the way forward in case of low AMH. “Infertility is rising as we are addicted to fast food, junk food, have sedentary lifestyle, do not exercise adequately, etc. Women are delaying childbirth because of their education and career. Our biological clock is not adapted to this,” noted Dr Dasgupta. It is ticking very fast. He assured, “If a woman has a smaller number of oocytes, as in low AMH, it does not mean she cannot conceive or that she should go for IVF. But yes, she must not delay and get herself treated faster. Sometimes women change doctors and continue with the same treatment. This does not help. Accelerate treatment and go to the next phase,” he advised.

Role of Robotic Surgery

Robotic Surgery in treating infertility is yielding great results. Dr Kaustav Basu, consultant gynaecology oncologist and robotic surgeon at Narayana Health, shared, “Role of Robotic Surgery in improving fertility is the talk of the town. Every second to third patient a gynaecologist gets is with infertility. Each requires individualised treatment. Some need surgery. Most of these patients suffer from a condition called endometriosis or chocolate cysts. It is a dreadful condition affecting a woman’s quality of life. Their fertility is lost, and they cannot become mothers. The distribution of this disease is almost like cancer. You need expert surgeons to handle these cases. Previously these were done with open surgery. Patient relatives think the flexibility of open surgery is not possible in laparoscopic surgery. Robotic Surgery takes care of this.”

Time Is Crucial

Scenario of infertility has become a social problem and a top gynaecological criterion because of certain changes over the years. According to Dr Ranjit Chakraborty, senior consultant, Obstetrics and Gynaecology Laparoscopic Surgery, Neotia Bhagirathi Woman & Child Care Centre, “Career, studies and stability in life have become more competitive, deferring the age of marriage. Fertility age is running out and when we get couples ready for conceiving, infertility becomes a major issue. As gynaecologists, we try to figure out who can conceive with easy solution and who shouldn’t be delaying time and take expert help.”

Holistic Approach

With changing times, incidence of infertility is also rising. Besides lifestyle change, infertility is also diagnosed more today. “With age, fertility potential also decreases. It is a challenge to deal with infertility especially endometriosis. Only surgical approach may not be the answer. It should be a holistic approach. We must find out the cause and then the solution. Robotic Surgery is so precise that it can cure the situation which is causing infertility,” opined Dr. Mukherjee. The summit ended with a panel discussion on ‘Fertility Enhancing Endoscopy Surgery - Bridging the Gap’ with gynaecologists Dr. Suchetana Ghosh Roy Chaudhury, Dr. Sujata Datta, Reproductive Medicine specialists of Genome Dr. Sabnam Parvin, Dr. Sohini Munshi and Dr. Nibedita Gahir. It was moderated by Dr. Lahori Roy and Dr. Tanuka Das Gupta.under expert guidance of Dr. Sankar Das Mahapatra, Senior Consultant, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Neotia Bhagirathi Woman and Child Care Centre and Dr. Rajani Bagai, Senior Obstetrician and Gynaecologist.

About Genome The Fertility Centre

Genome is a leading fertility clinic dedicated to providing high-quality fertility care to individuals and couples struggling with infertility successfully over the last 18 years. Our team of experienced fertility specialists, embryologists and nurses work together to provide personalized care and support to our patients every step of the way. Contact us today to learn more about our fertility services.

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